How and why you should use google ads for your business

The marketing world has changed dramatically in recent years, and Google Ads is one platform that has been driving this transformation. Formerly known as Google Adwords, Google Ads is a Pay Per Click (PPC) platform that allows business owners or marketing professionals to advertise their brand on the web.

By advertising on a platform where there are over 259 million unique visitors, 4.8 billion daily interactions, and over 5 billion search queries a day, there is no denying that Google Ads can help you reach your goals.

How Do Google Ads Work?

First, when a company embarks on a Google Ads campaign, they have to outline which of the following three goals they’re aiming to achieve:

  • Increasing calls to business
  • Directing more visitors to your store
  • Guiding people to your website or landing page

Secondly, the company will have to determine whether the ad copy will be delivered globally or to local audiences. The next step is to tell Google what makes this business unique by providing Google with images or three short sentences. From these sentences, Google will help to create the ad copy. Finally, you will set your budget, which Google will use to predict the campaign’s success, and then it’ll go live! With enough time and testing, and as more people click on the PPC campaign ads, your business will come closer to fulfilling its preset budget. Not only will you reach your budget, but the more clicks your PPC campaign receives, your search result rank will also increase, getting you closer to that top search spot on Google.

Benefits of Google Ads

Google Ads allows you to take advantage of the benefits of online advertising: show your ads to the right people, in the right place, and at the right time. Google Ads offers several benefits, but here are the key ones:

  • Target your ads

Targeting gives you the ability to show your ads to reach people with specific interests — namely, people who are interested in your products and services — and show them relevant ads.

Google Ads offers different ways of targeting. For now, here’s a look at the choices that you have with online ads that can make your marketing campaigns even more targeted; Keywords, ad location, age, location, and language, days, times, and frequency, & devices.

  • Control your costs

Google Ads gives you control over how you spend your money. There’s no minimum. And you can choose how much you spend per month, per day, and per ad. You’ll only pay when someone clicks your ad.

  • Measure your success

With Google Ads, if someone clicked your ad, you’ll know. If they clicked your ad and then did something valuable to your business — purchased your product, downloaded your app, or phoned in order — you can track that, too.

By seeing which ads get clicks and which ones don’t, you’ll also quickly see where to invest in your campaign. That, in turn, can boost the return on your investment.

You can get other valuable data, including how much it costs you, on average, for advertising that leads to your customers’ online purchases or phone calls. And you can also use analytical tools to learn about your customer’s shopping habits — how long, for instance, they tend to research your product before they buy.

How to set up a Google Ads campaign

Follow these steps to start a Google Ads campaign:

  1. Log in to your Google Ads account.
  2. Click Campaigns on the left-hand side.
  3. Click the plus button.
  4. Choose “New campaign”
  5. Select your campaign goal, or create a campaign with no goals.
  6. Choose a campaign type.
  7. Click Continue.
  8. Decide your campaign settings.
  9. Click Save and continue.

From there, use the above advice to create the ideal Google Ads campaign.

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