How important really is SEO?

To put things into perspective, let’s imagine you are a brick-and-mortar clothes store based in a rural location. How do you expect people to find you? You can fork out some traditional advertising to help prospects find your store, but that will come to a halt when your budget runs out. When this happens, wouldn’t you prefer to be in a city centre with all the other stores? We thought so.

Now let’s move this situation to the digital world. You can use online advertising to help consumers find your store, but when your budget runs out, so do your customers. This is where SEO comes into play and organically improves your appearance on Google.

Search Engine Optimisation helps to organically ‘climb you up the ladder’ on search engines such as Google, allowing your business to appear right where you want it to. Unlike Google Advertising, SEO isn’t instant, but the long-term results are worth it.

Factors that improve your SEO

  • User Experience – this will hugely impact your ranking and brand credibility based on user engagement metrics
  • Having a mobile-friendly website – major factor to consider as more people view websites from a mobile device
  • Page speed is crucial – fast loading pages will help customer experience
  • How long people spend on your site – yes, this is true. We recommend using blogs for this reason alone, they help with your ranking

There are a substantial amount of factors that will affect your SEO ranking, often factors that clients are unaware of.

It is crucial for those businesses who want to receive targeted, organic traffic directly to your website. After all, that’s probably all of us hey?

If you follow the rules to correctly optimise your website, you will undoubtedly receive higher rankings in search engines organic results. It isn’t easy, so we highly recommended getting external help from an agency.

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